Welcome to Minnesota Pipeline CAER

Virtually all aspects of the energy transportation pipeline industry are regulated to some extent by federal, state and local agencies. The Minnesota Pipeline CAER Association was formed to assist distribution and transmission pipeline companies to stay informed about current and future regulations as well as working together to promote pipeline safety. Please click the "Pipeline Members" tab for a list of participating Minnesota pipeline operators.

Our Mission

Minnesota Pipeline CAER serves to collectively provide pipeline safety information to Minnesota emergency officials, including local fire, law enforcement and others through the enhanced awareness of pipeline emergencies, availability of member resources and emergency response capabilities. In addition, CAER pipeline and distribution operators and members jointly support efforts to increase awareness of pipeline damage prevention to excavators and public officials.

Our Objectives

Develop a customized presentation and materials for emergency officials that provide appropriate information pertaining to the pipeline companies operating in their area.

Jointly sponsor informational meetings for fire, police, and other emergency and public officials such that the resources of all involved parties, including the attending emergency officials, are used in the most effective manner possible.

Achieve compliance with applicable federal and state regulations by ensuring the information and materials presented provide the necessary reference materials.

Integrate informational meetings with other scheduled emergency official events such as state regional or annual meetings of fire, law enforcement and other emergency personnel, when or where feasible.

Establish performance measures to evaluate the effectiveness of the association's efforts, target areas for improvement, and identify modifications that will further the objectives.

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming meetings in your area.  Check our meeting schedule page to see when programs should be available.

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